Online Certificate Courses on Meditation

Join Our Year Long Meditation Classes from anywhere in the World.

The vision of the Founders of IISCIM is to build better enlightened human beings with greater intelligence and empathy, a better society beyond the barriers of race and religion, and a better world where people can come together on the ground of love, compassion and oneness.

List of Our Online Certificate Courses on Meditation

1. Meditation for Stress Relief and Anxiety Reduction;
2. Hinduism, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita Meditation;
3. Buddhism and Vipassana Meditation;
4. Patanjali's Yoga Sutra and Yoga Meditation;
5. 21 Pathways Kriya Meditation;
6. Neuro-Epigenetic Scientific Meditation;
7. Cosmic Wholeness and Energy Matrix Healing;
8. Integrated Yoga Vipassana;
9. Mindful Leadership and Emotional Intelligence;

To know more details about the Courses, Fees, Registration and Payment link and the details of the syllabus, please email us at:

Duration of the online course

Normally, you can complete the course in 4 Weeks but there is no time limit. If you fulfill the criteria of the couese you can complete the course earlier also.

Our online Certificate Courses provide you with core coaching skills that you can use either with students in an exciting new career as a meditation teacher, healer or in your own personal life. If you are already working as a counsellor or therapist you may also integrate the skills learned into your current role.

A State of the Art e-learning Experience

We provide a state of the art online learning platform, accessible from anywhere.

Our mission is to teach the best meditation techniques beyond the barriers of race, religion and cult-worship, to spark the inherent divine flame within everyone for a better world where people can come together on the ground of mutual respect, individual dignity, love, compassion and oneness.

Recent Events

Yoga and Meditation for Heart Health On World Heart Day

A Unique Experiential Course

On World Heart Day

29th September 2022

2:00PM to 5:30PM



Recent Events

Yoga and Meditation to Improve Youth Mental Health Post Pandemic

A Unique Experiential Course

Special program to improve students and young people’s mental health with yoga and meditation.

15th March 2023

3:30PM to 6:30PM



Recent Events

The Science of Empathy and Forgiveness for Reducing Youth Depression and Anxiety

A Unique Experiential Course

Special program on the power of empathy and forgiveness for reducing stress, strain, and anxiety and improving students and young people’s mental health.

5th April 2023

3:00PM to 6:00PM

