Shrimati Banani is an enlightened teacher in the ancient Himalayan wisdom tradition. She has students all over the world. She is an acclaimed author of several books, of which Awakening Inner Guru, Glory of Om and Om Sutra are the most appreciated. She runs Workshops and Courses regularly in Kolkata, Mumbai, Rishikesh and Delhi. She is the Course Director and the inspiration behind IISCIM.
Gayatri Mantra Meditation Workshop is a life-changing experience, designed for those seeking a deeply transformative path to deepest relaxation, rejuvenation, self-inquiry, empowerment, mental clarity and Peace. This scientific Meditation technique, revealed to Shrimati Banani, is a simple, easy and effortless meditation and mind power technique which can be practiced almost any time during the day that will take you beyond meditative highs and lows to truly embody the spiritual light that you are.
Imagine being able to tap into the eternal source of joy peace, wellness, success, energy and abundance within you by connecting with your inner guide, your very own consciousness. For thousands of years, Yogis and Mystics of India have kept the secret of Gayatri mantra reserved for a privileged few. The Gayatri mantra is actually a secret code well hidden from the World in the language of mystical metaphor, bhakti and Devi Worship. Even those who chant it daily often do not understand and grasp this coded string of letters which once decoded would reveal to anyone, regardless of religion, ethnicity, caste, creed, race, gender or lifestyle, how to visualize and manifest any reality they wanted.
Come and join Shrimati Banani for an adventure into the deeper aspects of your consciousness. You will be initiated into her teachings and practices where you will learn how to awaken and uncover your self-effulgent inner Sun and absorb its luminosity and Energy in your being. You will learn how to find your inner Guru and become a beacon of light, energy, healing, creativity, and blessings in the World. This technique also delivers spiritual benefits like greater calmness, peace of mind, concentration and energy. In the long run, the inner strength and freedom generated by Gayatri mantra Scientific Meditation (GMSM technique) may initiate fascinating processes of self-realization and personal growth.
GMSM technique deepens our connections with others and with the world around us. This technique enables you to modify unconscious patterns often deeply rooted in personality and behaviour. While even irregular practice gives release to stress, regular meditation may bring profound insight and change within reach. Meditation is a practice to refine your experience and to open a new dimension to your lives. It is a means to tap into a deep source of positive energy and joy.
Gayatri mantra Scientific Meditation (GMSM technique) integrates ancient traditional mantra Yoga teachings with Advaita, while assimilating within it new scientific understanding of our own biology, consciousness and modern neuroscience. This technique also integrates knowledge from the latest advances from quantum physics and modern clinical studies.
Shrimati Banani has been guiding many people in their personal spiritual evolution and now is making available her wisdom insight and explorations into a training system that can be taught to anyone who is sincere and eager to learn. Gayatri Mantra Scientific Meditation can help anyone awaken their true hidden potential and higher consciousness.
You will discover the self-effulgent Sun within each of us in our body, mind and spiritual being, and access the eternal light that surround us.
You will be led through a guided meditation technique which will easily and effortlessly take you into deep meditation, even if you have never meditated before. This unique Meditation technique offers a path of deepest relaxation and spiritual development on an individual and collective level, where you will be made aware of your inner Sun, learn to manifest the light in your life and live in the light so you become a beacon of Light in the World.
To awaken your inner Sun, you need to take control of the three brains in your heads and also of the heart-brain and the gut-brain. Recent research in neuroscience has now proven that we have not only one brain, but three brains in our body. We have neural networks in our hearts as well as in our guts, and not just in our head-brains. What is most exciting about this is that your heart and gut brains can “think” for themselves as well as hold onto memories. Your head brain is involved in creativity, decision making, problem solving and making meaning. Your heart brain is active in compassion, surrender, gratitude and processing emotions; and your gut brain is involved in courage or fear and it gives you your material identity. Research has shown that the gut brain can learn, store memories and perform complex independent processing. Our gut is extremely important in upholding our immune system, but it also takes care of self-preservation, fear, anxiety, mobility and action.
To awaken your inner Sun, you need to align and harmonize these brain centres within your body. Gayatri Mantra Scientific meditation will unfold this unique technique, coded within the Gayatri mantra that can harmonize and reprogram your brains, awaken the inner Sun and connect you with the cosmic intelligence. Through this technique, your 3 brains can be optimized, synchronized and balanced to work more effectively. You will also learn techniques to take control over your Reptilian brain, pacify your Limbic brain and harness the power of your Pre-frontal brain that is the most evolved part of your brain that you have been gifted on the way to evolution to a human being.
Through Gayatri mantra Scientific meditation, you will know to harmonize your earthly being with the energy matrix that exists within and around you. Living as the Sun is the highest thing you can do for your own benefit and also for the benefit of the mankind. Learning to live with this consciousness in your everyday life and in everything you do will bring immense blessing for you, for your near ones and also for the world.
This is quite a detailed experiential course and most of the 100+ students of the workshops in the past year alone reported of remarkable experiences of energy flow, deepest meditation and joyfulness.
Gayatri Meditation is important for developing calmness, enhancing cognition and alertness, creating and maintaining positive emotion, relaxation, and reducing stress and anxiety. Following benefits are noted:
This meditation workshop is offered as a four hours intensive program with the objective to help individuals understand their inner strengths, unfold their leadership skills and realizing values to create an intelligent, efficient, stress-free, happy, compassionate and mindful work culture for their benefit.
The course consists of lectures, guided meditations, and discussions focussing on Gayatri Meditation as a technique of meditation and mind power, and as a life-skill for physical and mental health, stress-relief, positive mindset, greater clarity, personal development and efficiency.
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